groente's blog

Privacy is not terrorism

On Tuesday 16th December, a large police operation took place in the Spanish State. Fourteen houses and social centres were raided in Barcelona, Sabadell, Manresa and Madrid; books, leaflets and IT material were seized; and eleven people were arrested and sent to the Audiència Nacional, a special court handling issues of "national interest", in Madrid. They are accused of incorporation, promotion, management and membership of a terrorist organisation.

First sessions for announced

The Interference event that is going to take place August 15th-17th in Amsterdam is starting to take shape. Still lacking a complete program, today the first sessions were announced. Quoting from

Call for Papers: Interference

Interference, n:

  1. preventing (a process or activity) from continuing or being carried out properly.
  2. the combination of two or more electromagnetic waveforms to form a resultant wave in which the displacement is either reinforced or cancelled.

1 maart: Puscii Privacy Party @ RooieRat

1 maart, 14.00h - Rooie Rat, Oudegracht 65, Utrecht

Het zal niemand zijn ontgaan dat ons internet- en telefoonverkeer gretig wordt afgeluisterd. Met name activisten zijn hiervoor een geliefd doelwit. Maar de online privacyschendingen gaan verder dan alleen aftappende inlichtingendiensten. Ook het grootkapitaal - google, facebook, u kent ze wel - weet ons driftig te volgen en vaak onopgemerkt te profileren. Gelukkig zijn de technieken die hierbij gebruikt worden vaak met enige kennis en de juiste tools redelijk te omzeilen.

Daarom organiseren wij zaterdag 1 maart de Puscii Privacy Party: een dag voor kennisuitwisseling op het gebied van versleuteling, anonimiteit en privacy. Er is geen vooropgezet programma: de bedoeling is om kennis en vragen bij elkaar te brengen, te kijken wat er beschikbaar is, waar interesse in is en daar dan praktisch mee aan de slag te gaan.

Toegang is gratis en iedereen is welkom, ongeacht technische voorkennis.

Philosophy of hacking

The definition of hacking is controversial at best. Anyone familiar with the hacking scene probably has some intuitive feelings towards what is meant by hacking. Connotations of creativity, subversiveness and tinkering with highly complex technology are quite broadly accepted. Nevertheless, hacker groups and individuals have had furious discussions over its definition, ranging from cybercrime to kernel development. This goes to show that hacking is not rooted in or defined by one specific subculture, there is no one coherent hackerscene.

TA3M recordings

Better late then never and we didn't manage to catch everything, but here are some files that may give you an impression of the last TA3M evening in the ACU, Utrecht:



TA3M - October 21st, 19.00 - Voorstraat 71, Utrecht

Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup to connect activists and technologists who are interested in the challenges of surveillance and censorship, and anyone interested in free and open technology. The event takes place in different cities around the globe every third Monday of the month.

This month PUSCII will host the meeting in the ACU (Utrecht); join us for talks, drinks, discussions and feel free to contribute!

The limits of inclusion

The post-OHM silence after the storm brings a time for reflection and analysis. What follows is an edited collection of thoughts from several indivuals written before, during and after the camp. Its aim is to provide a more theoretical basis for discussion, to release the conflicts we endured during OHM out of the personal sphere and abstract them so we may learn from them, challenge our identities and prevent future mistakes. Hackercamps

12 september: Info-avond "Big Brother is Back"

De Kritische Studenten Utrecht organiseren een info-avond over NSA, privacy, veiligheid en internetvrijheid.
  • Datum: do 12 sep, 2013
  • Tijd: 19:30 - 22:00
  • Waar: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht

Ubica evicted :(

Fridaynight Ubica, the squat that has kindly given a physical space to PUSCII, got evicted. With the eviction, an end has come to one of the last autonomous spaces in Utrecht. When it was squatted in 1992, the building had suffered from a fire that had ravaged most of the inside. With a lot of hard work and investment, the squatters have managed to renovate the building in a DIY spirit. During its 21 year squatted existence, Ubica became not only a home to many people, it has also offered space to a wide variety of social and political activities.

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