Submitted by groente on Sun, 10/06/2013 - 23:29
Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup to connect activists and technologists who are interested in the challenges of surveillance and censorship, and anyone interested in free and open technology. The event takes place in different cities around the globe every third Monday of the month.
This month PUSCII will host the meeting in the ACU (Utrecht); join us for talks, drinks, discussions and feel free to contribute!
Submitted by walter on Sun, 05/12/2013 - 20:15
Last week while visting Re:Publica 2013 in Berlin I had the opportunity to discuss the controversy brought to the surface by Groente's blog titled “What's wrong with the kids today?” with several people outside the Dutch hacker scene. A few things struck me. First and foremost, there is a massive underappreciation of the vastly differing contexts in which everyone involved in the debate operates.
Submitted by groente on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 00:44
PUSCII's latest project, The Marx Generator, is up and running. The Marx Generator reads out to twitter from Karl Marx' classic Das Kapital. Readings last roughly half an hour and are held three times per day, starting at 10.00, 14.00 and 20.00 CET. You ask why? It's all explained on the about page: