
Privacy is not terrorism

On Tuesday 16th December, a large police operation took place in the Spanish State. Fourteen houses and social centres were raided in Barcelona, Sabadell, Manresa and Madrid; books, leaflets and IT material were seized; and eleven people were arrested and sent to the Audiència Nacional, a special court handling issues of "national interest", in Madrid. They are accused of incorporation, promotion, management and membership of a terrorist organisation.

Ad Exchange-Publisher leaks cookies, evades blocking.

Ad Exchange-Publisher creative settings results in 3rd-party cookie blocking evasion and leaks.

The OpenX Ad Exchange which provides Real-Time Bidding services is cooperating closely with its publishers, as a recent observation shows. The way the domain name system is being used, browser blocking of 3rd-party cookies seems to be bypassed as a side effect.

Urgent - Saravá Group is about to lose its main server!

Urgent - Saravá Group is about to lose its main server!

Due to a lawsuit running in secrecy of Justice against Radio Muda, the oldest independent radio station working in Brazil, Saravá's main server is settled to be confiscated this next Monday, April 28th. Sarava is a research group that for the past 10 years have offered technological infrastructure, political thinking and autonomous and secure communication sources freely to research groups and social movements.

Disconnected Filesharing hack-a-thon

On May the 3rd 2014, NURDSpace and PUSCII are organising a Disconnected Filesharing Hack-a-thon. Hacking on filesharing tools which do not rely on Internet connectivity.


NURDSpace, Churchillweg 68, Wageningen, Netherlands


Saturday 2014-05-03, or Saturday the 3rd of May 14 years after the apocalypse.
Starts at 14:00 and will go on for about 6 hours.

Post Privacy Party tools

As we've done some Privacy Parties now, here's a list of tools we've collected so far.

Please keep in mind though, that privacy is generally a social problems and these technical-tools can only help you resist against others trying to snoop on your personal affairs. There are no 'perfect' solutions, but depending on your situation, these tools can be quite effective.

PUSCII Privacy Party, How did it go...

Last Saturday the 1st of March, we organised a Privacy party in the book store the Rooie Rat in Utrecht. TL;DR: It was a success. We started at 14:00, but a few people where there earlier. In total we had about 25 active participants. We started out listing the stuff people wanted to learn and who could help teach these items, we had quite a list but in the end we ended up having groups on the following topics: * Tails & Tor * GnuPG/PGP * Browser Privacy * OTR * Doxing * Linux installation

1 maart: Puscii Privacy Party @ RooieRat

1 maart, 14.00h - Rooie Rat, Oudegracht 65, Utrecht

Het zal niemand zijn ontgaan dat ons internet- en telefoonverkeer gretig wordt afgeluisterd. Met name activisten zijn hiervoor een geliefd doelwit. Maar de online privacyschendingen gaan verder dan alleen aftappende inlichtingendiensten. Ook het grootkapitaal - google, facebook, u kent ze wel - weet ons driftig te volgen en vaak onopgemerkt te profileren. Gelukkig zijn de technieken die hierbij gebruikt worden vaak met enige kennis en de juiste tools redelijk te omzeilen.

Daarom organiseren wij zaterdag 1 maart de Puscii Privacy Party: een dag voor kennisuitwisseling op het gebied van versleuteling, anonimiteit en privacy. Er is geen vooropgezet programma: de bedoeling is om kennis en vragen bij elkaar te brengen, te kijken wat er beschikbaar is, waar interesse in is en daar dan praktisch mee aan de slag te gaan.

Toegang is gratis en iedereen is welkom, ongeacht technische voorkennis.

TA3M recordings

Better late then never and we didn't manage to catch everything, but here are some files that may give you an impression of the last TA3M evening in the ACU, Utrecht:



Choosing a more privacy aware email provider

Recently the privacy of email reading and writing has been a hot topic in mainstream media. Several people are now looking at options to move away from Google's Gmail now. So what is a good and more privacy aware email provider to migrate to ? Activists have been building their own networks since years, but what are the options for the masses ? There's an interesting project to watch "Mailpile" but that is only expected to be ready in the summer of 2014, next year.


Op 18 januari gingen duizenden websites, zoals wikipedia en Indymedia, op zwart vanwege SOPA/PIPA. ( ) Dit waren wetten die in de verenigde staten zouden worden ingevoerd die de internetvrijheid zouden beperken. Die acties waren zo succesvol (en de wetten zo absurd) dat SOPA is tegengehouden. Maar nu komt de grote broer van SOPA meedoen: ACTA ( ) Dit nieuwe “verdrag" is in het geheim in elkaar geflanst, en al door de europese landen ondertekend.

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