3 Spams for the price of 1

After another long day of building up a platform to create providers for encrypted mail (entre autres) it was time to abuse some substances to quieten parts of my brain, the news junkie part. Consume with me, in today's news, read elsewhere: Riseup, Lavabit, Calyx and Google. Democracy Now did a longer interview with both Ladar Levison from Lavabit and Nick from Calyx.

The next hacker camp: put your money where your mouth is

Now that OHM2013 is over, even the tear-down, which sadly required a last-minute scrambling of volunteers, it is time to start thinking about future events. First of all a few myths about OHM2013 and its sponsors should be disspelled. There was no such thing as "the main sponsor".

Ubica evicted :(

Fridaynight Ubica, the squat that has kindly given a physical space to PUSCII, got evicted. With the eviction, an end has come to one of the last autonomous spaces in Utrecht. When it was squatted in 1992, the building had suffered from a fire that had ravaged most of the inside. With a lot of hard work and investment, the squatters have managed to renovate the building in a DIY spirit. During its 21 year squatted existence, Ubica became not only a home to many people, it has also offered space to a wide variety of social and political activities.

Kid's tomorrow

Last week while visting Re:Publica 2013 in Berlin I had the opportunity to discuss the controversy brought to the surface by Groente's blog titled “What's wrong with the kids today?” with several people outside the Dutch hacker scene. A few things struck me. First and foremost, there is a massive underappreciation of the vastly differing contexts in which everyone involved in the debate operates.

PUSCII Open Hackerspace Day

PUSCII was open during the Open Hackerspace Day on Saturday, March 30th. On the program we had our hardware-freeshop, a Tails workshop and a discussion on the politics of hackerspaces. In total we had about 35 visitors during the day, of which about 15 attended the Tails workshop. During the day USB bootsticks were distributed, people were introduced to the concepts and hazards of SSL, TOR and GPG and bugs were found and filed, while in the meantime Emacs has been ported to MorphOS.

What's wrong with the kids these days?

On the moral decay of the Dutch hacker scene A lot has changed since the days when the people around Hacktic set up and defined the Dutch hacker scene. The Hang Out made way for a variety of hackerspaces; Hacktic itself is long dead (who needs dead trees to communicate nowadays anyway?) and the crew organizing OHM2013 is a completely different one from the oldies that had set up the Galactic Hacker Party and HIP. In short, we're looking at a complete new generation of Dutch hackers.

PUSCII ook open tijdens landelijke open dag hackerspaces

PUSCII ook open tijdens landelijke open dag hackerspaces Zaterdag 30 maart openen hackerspaces en hacklabs door heel het land hun deuren in het kader van de open dag hackerspaces (http://hackerspaces.nl/open-dag/) PUSCII, een van de vroegere pioniers en ooit begonnen als 'vrije internetwerkplaats', opent ook haar deuren en wel op haar oude locatie in het centrum van Utrecht, de Ubica panden aan de Ganzenmarkt. Op het programma staan verschillende activiteiten: - Workshop en presentatie Tails.

PUSCII na 8 jaar weer terug op oude plek.

De vrije internetwerkplaats PUSCII zal voor een weekend lang de deuren weer openen op haar oude stek in Utrecht, in de UBICA panden in Utrecht. Net zoals tien jaar geleden is de ruimte publiek toegankelijk voor iedereen die geinteresseerd is in vrije software, hergebruik van afgedankte techniek, zelfbouw van computers en randapparatuur en de strijd voor een open en vrije samenleving zonder censuur en overheidsbemoeienis.

De NURDs komen naar PUSCII

Aanstaande zondag, 17 februari, van 12.00 tot 17.00, organiseren de nurds van NURDSpace een nerd-thema weggeefmarkt op de oude plek van PUSCII in de Ubica:Ubica @ Ganzenmarkt 26, UtrechtEen nerd-thema weggeefmarkt!Breng je nerd-gerelateerde weggeefbare en kom kijken of er iets leuks voor je bij zit!Graag niet >1m3 aan spullen meenemen, aangezien we niet de plek willen opzadelen met al te veel achtergebleven spullen, maar kom gezellig langs, en geef weg/neem aan!

Opsporing misplaatst

Op 16 oktober is de conceptbrief ter vernieuwing van online opsporingsbevoegdheden gelekt. De minister wil het mogelijk maken om rechtstreeks vanuit iemands mobiele apparatuur (laptop, smartphone, tablet etc.) alle inhoud van verbonden clouddiensten te doorzoeken, te kopiëren en eventueel ontoegankelijk te maken. Dit is op zich goed voor te stellen want tegenwoordig ligt correspondentie niet meer in het dressoir en de agenda niet meer op tafel.


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